Mrs. Hackworth's first grade at Hardin Northern had some fun exploring pumpkins. We carved a jack-o-lantern, compared different kinds, and did an experiment with candy pumpkins. They are all getting excited for Halloween.
#ThrowbackThursday to the high school basketball team from the 1956 Northern Lites! 🏀
What do you do after your class finishes a challenging unit on the French Revolution? You "Let them eat cake!"
Well, Marie Antoinette may not have ever said that, but it was enough reason to have a "Let them eat cake" Party for the World History class with the highest class average on their test. We had six cakes and one dish of brownies to celebrate their success.
Mrs. Hackworth's first grade students have been talking about animal features. They compared themselves to the Lifesize pictures in a book. They researched several animals, chose their favorite, and made a nonfiction book. We also did a science experiment using straws and cups as bird beaks.
Mrs. Mast’s students used their knowledge about forces, from their unit, to apply to real-life bridge design. In the activity, Paper Bridge Engineering, students tried to build a strong bridge that support as much weight as possible. They learned about common bridge designs and tried to recreate what they thought would work the best with two pieces of paper.
There will be a JH girls basketball parent meeting on Thursday, October 24th at 6:30p in Coach Hartzell's classroom. The player handbook will be discussed and practice schedules will be passed out. Practice will begin Monday, October 27. A parent for any girl that is planning on playing should attend the meeting. If you cannot attend, please contact Coach Hartzell at
Fourth grade has finished their Earth science studies by ending with a research project about natural disasters! After learning about the changes to Earth’s surface through weathering and erosion, we looked at real life experiences. Each group picked a disaster to research, explained its characteristics, and how it impacts Earth.
Reminder! Early dismissal Oct. 23rd & 24th. No school Oct. 25th.
Don't forget! Picture retakes are tomorrow, October 23rd!
Veterans Day program on Monday, November 11th at 9:00 a.m.
Congratulations to the Hardin Northern Junior High football team on being the 2024 NWCC League Runner-up! Great job, boys and coaches, and congratulations on a fantastic season!
HN's Score: 11-16-14
New Knoxville Score: 25-25-25
Catherine Overs 3 kills, 4 digs
Addy Bacon 7 kills, 2 digs
Baylie Bacon 3 kills
Lexi Oakley 3 digs
Kendall Frank 12 assists
Lainey Thomas 8 digs
Congratulations on a great season Bears! 🏐
We are thrilled to announce a new tradition at Hardin Northern: Caps and Crayons!
This heartwarming program brings together our senior class and kindergarten students for a special moment on the football field.
At this event, our senior and incoming kindergarteners will meet at the 50-yard line, symbolizing the connection between the beginning and end of their educational journeys. This event fosters school spirit, unity, and celebrates the growth that happens from the first day of kindergarten to graduation day.
Throughout the year, seniors and kindergartners will continue to build this bond through various activities, creating lasting memories and highlighting the shared connection within our school community.
Today, students in Mrs. Mast’s Class saw that by learning to think about pushes and pulls — forces — they can accomplish extraordinary things! In the activity, Hopper Popper, students made a folded piece of cardboard jump high in the air, propelled by the pulling force of a rubber band. They discussed the forces involved in making this “Hopper Popper” jump.
Congratulations Bekah and Justin! They have been selected as HN's Elks Teens of the Month for October.
This quarter, the fifth grade has been studying the geography of the Western Hemisphere. Recently they finished a physical map highlighting all of the important landforms and physical features of the Western Hemisphere. Great job, 5th graders!
Good luck Bears!
For tickets-
6th Grade Stand Out Student for September! Congratulations Vivian!🎉
Happy Monday!
5th Grade Stand Out Student for September! Congratulations Sydnee!🎉